I disagree with the author who wrote "Travel Narrows the Mind", because there are many people who likes travel long distances without caring that there will be in this place only one or two weeks, also there are people who like to climb mountains as important as Everest.
If I decide to visit China, Japon or Autralia can't take a train because it's absurd I would have to travel by train as 8 or 10 months to get to those countries. Although rail train has its benefits because we enjoy the beautiful landscape and meet people from differents places.
In my opinon the author has a wrong thinking on long trips because people are free to spend theri money on whatever they want.
The effect os tourism in Chile?
The turism in Chile has possitive effect and some negative. The possitie is that turism give a lot of money to the country, because they buy a lot of things like clothes, handicraft, they go to the restaurants, another things important is culture exchange also they can visit historical sites and museums.
The negative is the garbage left o the beaches, streets, monuments destruccions like Isla de Pascua and the fire caused some tourists on camping.
Finally you have to visit Chile because is a beautiful country and you can learn a new language like mapudungu, they can taste the typical food mapuche or typical food in south Chile like curanto, chapalele, milkao.
Positive and Negative things about the Tourism.
Many tourists come to Chile in the winter or summer, for example in the winter the tourists go to Portillo, Farrellones,Valle Nevado, in these places the tourist can practice differents sports like ski, snowboar, the tourista can also visit Torres del Paine in my opinion is the most beautiful place in Chile.
In the summer is very different because the tourists can visit many places like south, north of chile, but the most famous beaches in the summer are Viña del Mar or la Serena, these two beaches are that have more tourists in the summer.
The benefit that the tourist visit differents countries is the money, because many touriste buy a lot of things like handicrafts, they eat to restaurants, buy clothes in differents malls, another important thing is the culture exchange because they learn our culture and we learn their culture.
You have the negative side of turists, one of the things that suffer when tourists visits dangerous countries like Brasil and Mexico are the thefts, in this places many tourists steal their luggage, their money and sometimes robbed of their jewelry.
other negative effect of tourist is terrorism that suffer countries like Afaganistan, Pakistan and Isarael or diseases such as swine flu that affect the worldwide turism.
I recommend visiting Chile because it is a beautiful country, quiet and cheap.
I agree with you! I struggle with this delima because I love travelling. That is one of the main reasons why I live here. Chile is such a beautiful country.