What can ordinary people do to help in the fight against crime?
Nowadays the crime in Chile has grown in more than 90%, that we can watch every day in the news, I have seen as thieves steal their celphones to other peolpe on the subway, bus or on the street, now the people are afraid to leave their home.
Nowadays the crime in Chile has grown in more than 90%, that we can watch every day in the news, I have seen as thieves steal their celphones to other peolpe on the subway, bus or on the street, now the people are afraid to leave their home.
I think people should be more careful with their things for example when they go out, they shouldn't use earring, necklaces of the gold is important that the people not answering the celphone when they walk down the street, is also very important to be close to police headquarters home safer of thieves, people help each other because is so much easier for thieves won't steal from their home. But the most important place affected by crime are supermarket in this places people steal food, bread, alcohol, shampoo and perfumes. Another group of criminals dedicate in the thief of cars and the most affected are women, some criminals break the glass of the car with a rock threaten them with a guns or simply steal their wallets or handback.
I think the solution to all this theft is that in supermarkets there are more security for customers, and auto theft is our responsibility to learn to be careful that we stop streets and not stopping the car if we see people who are suspect also is imporatant people to be more solidarity with those who are assaulted by these criminals and help to call the police to make it much easier to stop these bad people.
Santiago isn't a dangerous city, but there are a lot of crime and the justice system does nothung to change, because the crimanals going to prision only 3 or 5 days, after than the crimenalist returning to steal and the most affected with this situation us.